Tuesday, March 24, 2015


When Dinosaurs Ruled the Neighbourhood

Ryan’s Mother and Daddy gave him 
a new cuddly pet for his fifth birthday.
His pet loved marshmallows and chew toys.
Ryan called his new pet
Tyrannosaurus Rex-Mason.
He was a real dinosaur.

Ryan taught  T-Rex Mason not to eat his parents, friends or
his dog, Hudson.
Ryan trained Mason not to knock his Daddy’s cars over
or crush the school bus when it came to pick him up each day.

Rory, Ryan’s sister, had a pet Unicorn.
All the other girls on the block were jealous
because they only had hamsters and guinea pigs.

Mason’s favourite food was grilled cheese sandwiches
with bacon.  He was, after all, still a carnivore.
It took 43 loaves of bread and 17 kilograms of cheese
to feed Mason every day and he was still just a baby.

After looking at the grocery bill 
Daddy said, ”Why didn’t we just get another cat?”

Ryan’s friend, Elliot, who lived next door
had a Brontosaurus.
His brother, Easton, had a Stegosaurus.
His friends’ dinosaurs made gigantic poops
in the back yard that took them hours to clean up
every day...
and used up 33 garbage bags each time.
They wished they had a T-Rex like Ryan’s

T-Rex Mason and Ryan slept in the same bed.
Mason snored until the doctor took out his tonsils.
Ryan took most of the blankets
and T- Rex Mason would get cold.
(He had out grown his little baby blanket)
He was still a reptile after all.

One day T-Rex Mason was playing at the end of
the street.  
The street ended in a cliff with a fast moving river
far below.
Ryan and T-Rex Mason were playing fetch.
T-Rex slipped and Ryan caught him by
his hind legs
and rescued him before he could fall.
T Rex gave Ryan a big sloppy kiss.

The groceries bills grew and so did
But home just would not be home without a dinosaur
even when it did squash Daddy’s Mustang during
a game of fetch. 

Bad Mason!

Written by Ryan Mason Lee and Grandpa

March 21, 2015

Original concepts all by Ryan Mason Lee.

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