Thursday, September 21, 2017

Wine lingo

The vocabulary for the description of wines enters a new realm...

Azerbaijan Azure Arbor

A delicate blend of sweet succulent hybrid genetically modified grapes from the irrigated Central Asian Steppe Lands of the former Soviet Union.  Mellow wines with deep fruity flavour, aged to perfection in hand crafted industrial textile plywood vats then set to age for what should be years, this effervescent blended bouquet is filtered and bottled by our trained full time child staff in humidity controlled warehouse units under strict War Lord protection, who offer their seal or quality assurance and vintage excellence for the discerning connoisseur.  Your to enjoy.

Digital Loss of Communication

The Digital Loss of Communication

My son-in-law has 1137 channels
on his dish
now with Kobo and his Android he
has hundreds more
digital and surround sound
in his livingroom.
five remotes rest on the coffee table
I have no clue which to use
surfing the globe he can watch
wrestling in Japan,
cooking shows from Portugal,
soccer from Argentina, or
Monster Trucks from Wisconsin,
there are five flat screens arrayed
through the house
ipads for kids
Smarts phones,
social media
monitors always beaming
no one ever reading
the dinner table no place


Teachers' Professional Development

Seminar 73 with Black Coffee

Professional Development Portfolio:
“Bureaucratic Enhancement of the
Logic Model in terms of Mid-Management
Leadership Styles.”
My anticipation is peaked.
I paid money for this.

Momentarily, suspended
attention to detail, my head does
a tiny bobbing action,
like Bob-the-dog on the dash
of my son’s Subaru.
Side tracked

The tailored high priced
drones on
on as my eyes roll,
the painful head jerk
to reality,
reaction like whiplash
in a head-on-car crash.

I’m awake
just resting my eyes,
“This study includes
two relevant ministry categories…”

More relevant, if only

I had more black coffee.