Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Slasher girl...

Little Lost Girl

She’s a slasher girl with long cut marks on the inside of her arm

where they are less visible. The cutting is about the only thing

telling her she is still really alive. Her forearm often covered with

multi-coloured pen graphically portraying her demons and devils

sometimes her only friends. “Penis” and “God Sucks” (maybe

because she attends a Catholic School). Her brow is pierced, 6

more piercing in her right ear, nowhere near her lobe and where

else,…I really don’t care to know.

She comes to class with her well worn- “Whatever-Fuck You”

attitude and look sending out vibes on all frequencies of confrontation

and defiance. The only days she regularly attends or even wears her

uniform completely and properly was on the days she was suspended

and needed to “blend in” to be with her friends in the caf. I talked to

and then e-mailed her mom who nervously apologized for being a

mother, or at least the mother of this particular creature.

She hung out with like lost souls. They always know just where to go.

Managing to find each other with their oblique social signals no others

could pretend to comprehend. They form their cliques and can be just

as snobby, cruel and condemning as the snobs they recoil against. In the

end it’s about rebellion, the ultimate art form at this stage and age.

Rebellion and in the process of finding remnants of self and worth, and

acceptance…somehow and somewhere.

Some of her friends share her black and deathly “Goth-Appeal” with

black make-up (even on some of the boys) achieving that sad eye felt art,

street urchin, pathetic look. Fluffy has gender issues and some don’t really

know which way they flow and often act like a character from the

Vagina Monologues.

In class I often marvel at her ingenuity as she somehow manages-Hudini-like

to put on her gym T-shirt while still wearing her blouse. She dyes her hair

in checker board squares and at first, perhaps to make a connection- I wanted

to tell her I thought it looked cool until by the end of the year, with checker

boards still in place…she rarely washes or grooms. The poster girl for the

“cry-out-for-help-and-get-away-from-me” look.

From my distant desk I watch and know that at 15 she reads and writes like

Grade 4, as a matter of pride will never engage to ask the reason why.

Her fortress is secure, her mechanisms in place, she stays safe behind her walls

Just a little girl

who got lost.

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