Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Rain, A Brooding Storm

That same morning she sat and

Laughed with her husband over coffee

By the fireplace.

Outside, rain, a brooding storm,

A front had passed through that night.

The driver of the SUV

Jumped the light

Or just didn’t see

And in the end it doesn’t matter

The result would be the same,

Head-on into the van.

He died instantly.

Two cups of coffee on the table.

His wife sat still and quite alone.

Outside, rain, a brooding storm,

A front had passed through that night.


They lingered over coffee

And laughed about something

Their daughter had said,

“Dad, you’ll never figure

that cell phone out.”

Outside, rain, a brooding storm,

A front had passed through that night.

“Hi, just on my way to work…”

he fumbled with his phone

and really didn’t see the SUV

that drove directly into his van.

Words left unsaid,

He died instantly,

Bones broken and oddly

His coffee didn’t even spill.

Outside, rain, a brooding storm,

A front had passed through that night.


A little hung over,

Angry words with a girl friend,

An unfinished coffee left

Steaming on the kitchen counter.

Outside, rain, a brooding storm,

A front had passed through that night.

Rushing to his SUV

He then jumped the light

And really didn’t see the van.

Crushing impact.

Slightly stunned

He walked away with just a scratch

And stopped a moment to stare

At the slumped and still driver sitting there.

He stood in the rain of a brooding storm,

For a front had passed through that night

And everything had forever changed.

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