Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Second Thoughts by the Primordial Pond

Second Thoughts by the Primordial Pond

It must have been the seventh day because

God was resting, walking barefoot at the

Water’s edge having had a very busy week

Using evolution to create a world in just a

“week”… wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

At about phase 2, or was it 3 in “Earth’s

Developmental Plan,” HE saw that man

was arrogant and vain, in fact boldly

boasting they were the centre of the universe

and always using the third person masculine

pronouns in these pronouncements. This

brought a smile of amusement to

HIS face, muttering sarcastically,

“I thought I made two genders,

and what’s this? “Man the measure of all things.”

They think the planets revolve around

their little world. All hail their churches,

empires, and their wars.”

In the latter part of phase 4 Copernicus

Then Galileo with formula and telescope

Humbly postulated man was not the focus.

It seems, they concluded, that they revolve

Around the sun. Heliocentric heresy foamed

The church. God skipped a stone over still

Waters and thought at least someone got it

Right, but damn that Inquisition!

“Thou has given him dominion

over the works of thy hands,

thou has put all things under

his feet…the birds of the air

and the fish of the sea, whatever

passes along the paths of the sea…”

What’s this? Man has dominion over the

Earth, at least according to some biblical

Translations and misinterpretations.

And so they raped and plundered the land

As they figured, they were my “Chosen One’s.”

Just one little slip of the tongue, or was that

A typo; so much for Divine Inspiration.

God was getting really ticked!

By the pond’s edge God noticed his footprints

disappearing in the wet sand and wondered

about the potential symbolism of that, when

enter stage left…

Darwin, who God had done some post graduate

Work with during one of his many inspection

Visits, conjectured and theorized, during

Phase 5 that it wasn’t Adam’s rib that got us

Here. Looks more like natural selection, our

Gene pool, it seems, comes from apes. I’m

Sorry our origin is no mistake. God laughed

At this because no one actual stopped to think

How he had created HIS world with evolution.

Cute little trick HE thought.

Those southern school boards are fighting still

And there’s bound to be yet another ape trial.

It never stops. HE sighed.

It was sometime during Phase 6, Freud

Elucidated the holy trinity of Id, Ego and

Superego and soon man discovered that

He had become so detached from self and

Governed more by the unconscious they

Really weren’t capable of more than petty

Anal fixations. Quite disturbed at this

God metaphorically closed the door and left

Us sleeping on the couch, muttering and

shaking HIS head once again…

“The measure of what?”

Relatively speaking, Einstein hypothesized

During the final phase 7 that man is actually

Weak. The power lies in the unobserved, the

Atom, but not once did he stop and think that

They would actual make and then use that bomb.

God sadly shook his head, slowly pulling out

his lawn chair and while sipping on a lemonade

HE paused and thought,

Just where did HE go wrong down by the

Primordial pond.

“The Lord looks down from

heaven upon the children of men

to see if there are any that act

wisely, that seek after God.

They have all gone astray,

They are all corrupt,

There is none that loves God,

No, not one…”

“Jesus Christ, I’ve got it,” God exclaimed

Knocking over his lawn chair in his rush

to get to the pond, “Next time I’ll start

evolution from land to water!”

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