Saturday, March 19, 2011

Playing marbles for keepsies...

While supervising on the elementary playground, back in the day, for this is no more, children were happy to play with marbles. Marbles all had special names...It was an energized and creative time before electronics...
Craters, Rainbow Swirls and other Exotic Marbles
The frost had left the ground
the school yard transformed
to a cratered lunar like surface
as happy kids with numb fingers
squinted and took aim in
winner takes all games of:
Eye Drops,
A vocabulary for size:
Croak, supersize,
jumbo, bolder,
peewee and mini
and one for appearance:
Fogs, Specks, Cat’s Eyes, Sharks, Oilies,
Horsetails, Steelies, Ghost Galaxies,
Red Devils, Onions, Bloody Mary’s, Rainbows,
Skunks, Jewel Crowns, Crystals, Frosties, Spies,
Blueberry, Black Knights, Chestnuts, Galpears and
...never ever forget the lonely,
Few things on the yard match the excitement of
a mass marble sramble, or the eagerness in the eyes
of a potsie winner proudly clutching
a Royal Crown bag full of marbles.
Some days I would give a jumbo rainbow-swirl
to be ten again.

(previously published by the ATA)

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