Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Evolution Versus Creationism

In reference to Paul Jantzi’s editorial  on “Refuting Evolution” I can not believe we are still having this discussion. I had to check the date on the Waterloo Region Record to orientate myself to the proper century (Wednesday April 8, 2015).  The fact that Jonathan Safati has a half million books in print to me gives it no more credibility than knowing that the BIble is the best selling book of all time but it too still carries the creationist view.

In my simplistic way of viewing the cosmos and the spender and complexity of nature with its myriad intricacies of all interwoven ecological systems is it not possible that “God” used evolution as a tool, his/her own tool, in order to get to where we are today.  Wouldn’t that be truly ironic?  Creation by evolution.

Hopefully, we are passed the literal interpretation of the Bible which explains everything happened in 7 days or even 4000 years and can finally merge recognized scientific achievement with theology into a working  and very plausible explanation as to how we all got here.  

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