Thursday, March 31, 2022

Domestic Sunrise/Alberta


Domestic Sunrise

The little boy slowly walked along

The darkened hall to his parent’s bedroom

And stood at the doorway, contemplating his

Next move and hoping to be noticed.



Then more


He called, “Daddy have to go pee.”

Father stumbled for his slippers and housecoat,

Walked over to the door and

Scooped up his waiting son who instinctively

Cuddled his little body close.

Together, they walked the darkened hallway

To the washroom.

The sun illuminated the low level morning clouds

With a fiery glow as father and son sat down at the

Long pine kitchen table. Neither making a sound 

As they sat in silent communion, one drinking dark

Coffee, the other warm milk. Ashley, their Cocker Spaniel

Lay wide awake at their feet in anticipation of any handout

That might reach the kitchen floor.

A tiny cry broke the stillness as his daughter awoke…

The morning shuffle began once again.

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