Friday, November 5, 2021

Curiosity Killed the Cat and other Conspiracy Theories


Curiosity Killed the Cat and Other Conspiracy Theories

Celebrating the Summer Solstice

and lifting me from the 

doldrums of reality, 

on the evening of the lunar eclipse

while Venus was in decline, 

out of curiosity, while in Vegas, 

I dropped in on the

Flat Earth Society’s Annual international Conference.

A GLOBAL meeting I mused,

The theme boasted “A World with no Distortions” 


I listened.

He spoke of the curve, but was that a metaphor? 

The break out sessions promised truthful revelations 

on “NASA and Other Space Lies”,

“14 ways the Bible says the Earth is Flat”,

“How to Talk to Your Family and Friends About a Flat Earth.”

Did not the Ancient Greeks calculate the circumference?

Math is a truth.

Social media has given us the allusion of fluency

and the credibility of doubt

with paranoia and mistrust

for all those in control, 

our intelligence is  now artificial,

if we can believe the world to be flat

then do vaccines kill? 

and masks suffocate?

The cat should throw this all off the table.

The meeting stands adjourned.

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