Thursday, February 14, 2019

Smart Phones as metaphor

Smart Phones as Metaphor

I guess what I learned out of the attack experience,
that is trying to separate a student from cell phone...
as an educator, is that the Smart Phone is not a simile
for life.

It is not like life.  It is a metaphor.
It is in fact life itself in all its multi media forms.

I have witnessed a student sit and listen, text, email
engage in social media activities during an hour of class time.

As I watched this phenomena unfold I bit my lip, said nothing,
as oblivious to her surroundings she remained absolutely off task
for the entire class.
After class, as she slowly re-entered orbit and gained consciousness
she began gathering her effects,

I then quickly asked if her Smart Phone was a distraction.
She picked up her things, left in a huff, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Clearly I had crossed a line.
Understandably, many addicts can not face their addictions.

marty rempel

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