Wednesday, February 13, 2019

lost cause street begging

lost cause

a bleak night on a busy sidewalk
before the warmth of the subway entrance
a man with raspy voice wearing a thin red
flannel shirt
on a cold night
asks for spare change
I swerve left, quicken my pace
avoid giving to a lost cause
why should good money chase lost souls
I’m late for my concert with the

bright lights and
good seats

“Can you spare some change.”
echoes as I retreat downward
the cavernous subway
draws me away to

the bright lights
and good seats

...later buying coffee
in the line in front
a flash of red catches my eye
with a tray of food and warm drinks
for his fellow passengers on a bleak
night on a busy sidewalk
I recognize the rasp in his voice
as he retreats to the darkness
I stare out the window in disbelief
reflected with the

bright lights
and the good seats.


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