Tuesday, April 11, 2017

four short poems...hope and disappointment

Reused and Recycled

The shampoo bottle
is an hourglass,
a measurement
of her time spent
at home.
It lies empty in the
recycle bin.


“Can I ride
my bike now?”
I can see some 
of the ground.”

For the Love of the Game

She went to hockey camp
for only a week and slept in her
pads after practice.
I had to remove them at night
so she could go to the washroom.
She was disillusioned when they never 
gave her the puck and then had her stand
in front of the net.
Her feet were blistered
and then of course
she lost the love of the game.

Flight 745

Flight called.
Quick hugs,
always tears
“I’ll call you
Good Bye...
I love you to
hyper space
and back.”

I didn’t see her

for seven years.

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