Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Shelf Life

Shelf Life


We are the consumers of Wonder Bread, Cheese Whiz

Chemical laden processed foods with soft drink

Chasers, followed by smooth sugar snacks,

Our constant dessert companion.


Fast food, take-out-dinners, breakfast or lunch,

Via Uber-Eats or Skip the Dishes,

Obesity, out of shape, then we

Vape, smoke and take our one-a-day edibles

To liberate our minds.


Pollute the atmosphere, the oceans, the land

We swear its only a natural cycle, we have

No accountability, responsibility or blame. 

We spice our foods with flavor enhancers, Red Dye #9

Or a tasty selection, a range of yummy sulphites 220 to 228.


Nor do we ever tire of monosodium glutamate or

The ever-popular sodium nitrates,

We then complain about Fluoride in our water

And the forced use of beneficial vaccines.

“Not in my system!”


We OD with high levels of street-level” fructose, 

corn syrup,

BHA or BHT and a host of other drugs,

Then loudly complain about Yoga and Pilate lessons,

Or even going for a walk, sitting in

Comfortable solidarity

As couch potatoes ever

Consuming hours of screen time, improving our minds

And our apposable thumb dexterity, truly a

Gift from evolution still

While devouring pizza from a box with Coke Zero

To promote weight loss.


As a species how is it, we are still here

Walking this slack tight rope, we call free choice

and life style?

At what point does resilience have a shelf life?


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