A New Presidential Hopeful….
I know I am an outsider and really am not entitled to voice an opinion on these matters, but the consequences to me, my community, my country, the world are just too significant that I feel I have to speak out before it is too late. My voice is little when pitted against that big back-combed, macho, buffoon from down south, whose name I refuse to even voice.
The race is on and the Democrats have taken serious flight, there most be at least 20 candidates hoping to replace that retarded, over weight, bombastic, tweeter-feeder, fake news generating idiot from the Republican party in the next presidential election.
For example, Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts senator did very well in the Miami debate. She wishes to wipe out student debt and resonants well with the yacht-less American class which seems to be growing at a steady pace.
My all time favourite Bernie Sanders, at age 77, may be in his last race and too much of a socialist by American standards to have a reasonable chance at victory. In fact he is more Canadian than American and would do well to be our next Canadian Prime Minister.
Joe Biden has the association with Obama, yet his segregationist past has been raised and he may not be our guy after all. Then there is the very popular and talented 37 year old gay mayor from Indiana who speaks Norwegian and at least six other languages…so many choices.
Given all of this I present my own very obvious, and quite biased selection, for the next president of the United states: Keifer Sutherland. I know mock me, but at least listen as to why he is an obvious choice?
First, and most importantly he is a Canadian. Given that Sanders, the closest thing that the Americans have to an actually Canadian in the election race likely won’t win because many Americans think he is a communist, yet, ironically the current president actually colludes with Russians and that just boggles the mind and then add to that there’s Moscow Mitch…well you got me started.
It seems that Americans are willinging to give the rich every benefit because they are the American Dream, but will, at the same time deny themselves, in the middle class, certain benefits because they feel they have not earned them and therefore are not deserving. This includes everything from a basic minimum wage, job protection, health care…you name it.
My main man Keifer, as a Canadian has Canadian values. He cares about people, the greater good, he plays hockey, values little stupid things like the environment, hell his grandfather brought in Universal Health care to Canada. Keifer could do the same for Americans.
Sad thing is though most Americans believe they don’t deserve Health care, tuition breaks, gun control and better education because basically these things are, simply put, Un-American…so how do you really help these poor, lost, wandering in the wilderness-souls when they can’t and won’t help themselves…vote in a Canadian of course.
In addition, on at least eight seasons of 24 Keifer, almost single handedly, and in 24 real hours, has consistently saved the United States from internal and external threats. Currently, as the Designated Survivor, he is the President of the United States and doing a much better job then the current red neck, racist, skirt chasing bastard who systematically cheats at golf. Keifer is virtually a better president!
What can I say…Keifer, a Canadian, for president eh!!!!
Make America Great Again or least more Canadian!
That's a great idea!!! Well written and defended!!
Oh my goodness - he could be another Ronald Reagan. Besides since he's injured from a fall and he has nothing better to do than wait for cheque from Canada's universal health care. Come on keifer it's in ya by genetics and modeling!
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