Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Charlie Hebdo: In the History of the Future

In The History of the Future

My cable-disconnected.
Newspaper subscriptions-cancelled.
Out of touch.
I get all the news I need.
The trends, lines, projections and extrapolations
that overlay the intricate themes of human interaction,
the etches in the shadows of history,
traces of the past,
the unswerving trajectory to the culminating
tragic events in future places, in the dead of night,
in broad daylight,
at a bus station with a knife, or a bomb,
at a war memorial, in a town square,
a Jewish grocery shop,
a printing press.
It has all happened before and again and again.

Is it the inevitable and unstoppable history of the future?
Should I be sad plodding at my inventory like some 
Walter Mitty while a young man from a “free” country dies
in a Sunni conflict sadly disillusioned, or enlightened
in a firm belief women should not be educated
and journalist beheaded?

I get all the news I need.
A few details have changed.
The themes stay the same
in the history of the future.

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