Monday, July 28, 2014

Train Flat Coins

Train Flat Coins

The joy of a penny is to see it flattened beneath the wheels of a passing freight train.  I still have a collection of minted currency that has met its end under tons of flying metal on a CPR track.  An adreneline rush standing feet from the rushing train sending vibrations from our feet to our finger tips.  Even better is the 20 ton counter weight on the lift bridge at lock one of the Welland ship canal.  Placing our coins under this semi circular slow moving weight as the bridge lifted allowing the passing of a lake freighter was a boy’s delight in physics. Flatter by far than any CN or CPR coin and that is flat.  

Today, there is a secure metal mesh barring any such childish activity preventing kids, or adults like me from flattening pennies and pennies themselves have become obsolete.  Now we have to pay fifty cents for a machine system of gears to do the coin flattenng and embossing at a tourist attraction like Niagara Falls.  It’s just not the same.  Sometimes life is too safe.  

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