Sunday, January 22, 2012

Passion in Transit

Passion in Transit
Along with his heartburn, last  nights Chinese dinner left him with an intriguing thought in his fortune cookie: “You will find passion in transit.”
Something big was happening, people were moving like air sucked into the vortex of an inferno.  Propelled blindly forward like automatons in an Asminov science fiction.  In contrast, he and the bus he sat on, were stranded and stagnate in traffic.  
The ready appeal of the migration of pedestrians had a magnetic appeal and tantalizingly motivated him to a mysterious calling to leave his seat.  He found himself humming a Paul Simon tune, “Get off the bus Gus start a new plan Stan.”  He joined the swelling surge as people moved in one direct.  The air was electric. 
Caught in the moment it didn’t matter to him which direction, or even why, that was meaningless as was time, only motion connected him to a sense of his own reality. He needed now to join the kinetic masses unlike his mundane regular live which proved meaningless after the death of Steve. 
Even his own relationship with friends and family felt strangled and part of what drew him to the city in the first place. He sought boldness and vitality.  He marveled now how the simple act of getting off the bus could be so liberating.  People around him appeared excited with a specific urgency, smiling laughing, yet grimly determined. 
     What did they share? What did they seek that he did not? He concentrated on moving one foot in front of the other, gaining momentum. The pace became exhilarating. He felt alive. He was over coming his petty inertia and discovering himself. His loneliness after Steve had been a dark burden and now he was transcending.  
He broke into a run as he and the crowd rounded a corner. Seeing the iconic logo was like being lifted skyward with a shaft of light, everything became clear.  
He was calm, yet accepting of the coming change.  He now grasped the true meaning of life.  He, with many others, reached out with a new passion for the open glass door synchronized with their spiritual arrival at this juncture in time and space.  Life would begin a new.  Steve would rest proud. The Apple Store on Fifth Ave was open for business.  
There was passion in transit.  The fortune cookie rang true.

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