Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Censorship Librium Prohibitorum

Librorum Prohibitorum

Heretics burned at the stake 
The purity of the Inquisition 
the dominance of religion and politics over 
The written word a first amendment imperative
“All animals are equal but some animals
are more equal than others.”

Censorship of the free thinkers of
Sexual content, political ideologies, historical accuracy,
“Who controls the past controls the future."
 morality, racism, violence, LGBTQIA,
“War is Peace..
Religious viewpoints, age appropriateness, sexual content
“A book is a loaded gun.”

If a spider can talk, a young boy perform magic, 
Should one question gender identity 
speak of dystopian futures which are establishing 
Here and now.
If they ban a book, can they ban a judge?

They control ideas, the books, 
They burn, delete and turn to Fox News
For the latest on cultural wars, 
the evils of characters of colour
The overt unfairness of DEI hires, the magical, 
the mystical and the cultish must be purged 
from the schools and be replaced 
with the Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments
On classroom walls.
Ban the Department of education with
Thoughts and Prayers  fuelled by bigotry 
to replace language and literary themes

Uncle Tom’s Cabin
All Boys Aren’t Blue
The Satanic Verses
Of Mice and Men
Lord of the Flies
Brave New World
Animal Farm
Mein Kampf
Grapes of Wrath
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Slaughter House Five
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Charlotte’s Web

Burn the books for social order 
trust in AI to write our future 
with white male youths as central characters, 
rewrite our history to control
our future 
safe for new democracy
with Freedom of Speech for all.

Marty Rempel

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Hotel Literati


My dad has been involved in his book club, The Hotel Literati, for about 15 years. Talking to any of the members, it’s clear how important this club is to this collection of largely schoolteachers.  Originally the book club started with just a couple teachers from St. Mary’s high school.  

I joined them for their annual holiday book exchange at a bar social at the end of November. It was here I learned about the history of the club, as well as some tips for prospective book club-ers.   

Mike McCay, the appointed leader or “Commish” of the group, gave some insight into the success.   

“You do not need the microphone at all times, it’s not the only way to lead,” he said.   

Mike is quiet yet steadfast in his leadership. It’s become a bit of a joke that Mike is almost an authoritarian leader, but of course this is all just fun and games. At the end of the day, his say goes—he sends out the monthly email reminders for the club and does a great job of keeping things going.   

Mike started the club shortly after the birth of his twins. He had gone an entire year without reading a book and realized that he just hadn’t made the time for it anymore.   

With the stress of school and work, Mike needed a deadline to get some reading done. Additionally, he was jealous of his wife, as she was a part of multiple book clubs—it was the only way for her to get out of the house!   

The Hotel Literati meets the last Thursday of every month at a bar; the venue has changed over the years. Mike found it important that the book club meeting was at the same time every month and wanted to make sure it wasn’t at someone’s house. He tried to stress the importance of finding a neutral place where the discussion of the book in question can shine.  

They found that the magic number is around 8-13 members. Any more than that, and not everyone gets a chance to speak. Or if they do, they are probably just re-iterating an opinion heard by another person.   

Mike mentioned that the best meetings are the ones that have interesting and friendly yet heated discussions, where everyone has a different opinion. If a book comes around and everyone loves it, it’s usually an easy meeting. A book like Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole got a good rise.   

Mike said meetings are a chance to talk about the book, but also a chance to connect with people. There’s usually a pre and post period during every meeting where friends will catch up, grab a beer and socialize about things other than books.   

The article would be remised to speak about a book club without mentioning some of the hall of famers: One of the best books in the backlog was Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders.   

“We had a little tournament of books, based on the premises—we narrowed it down to Lincoln in the Bardo. It got tens and it got zeroes. Everyone either loved or hated it—[which was great],” Mike said.  

Mike also spoke for his love for Anthony Marra’s novels The Tsar of Love and Techno andA Constellation of Vital Phenomena, as well as Habibi by Craig Thompson—one of the graphic novels the group did.   

Habibi was also one of the most beautifully designed books that they encountered. The club usually reads a graphic novel during June. Most of the members are teachers, and since June is report card month, it’s generally a little harder to find time to read.   

The only other month that doesn’t have a monthly read is December. In preparation for the holidays, members conduct a book exchange. At the end of this exchange, we would go around the table, and each member would make a case for which book they thought should be the next month’s read.  

Mike spoke of the importance of letting these traditions flow naturally. Observe, and try to take action, but don’t force things to happen. In a setting like this that is largely a passion project and hobby, it’s important to not let things feel tired.   

It’s clear that the Hotel Literati is important to its members. Mike told me that a running joke in the book club is that one of their members, “this is the best thing of my life,”—to which the rest of the members of the book club replied “You’ve been married for 30 years, and have two kids!”.   

All jokes aside, having a place like this to discuss creativity, arts and politics among your friends is important. If anything, it’ll help you become more well read over a couple of beers.   

The Hotel Literati meets the last Thursday of every month. Membership is very exclusive, and they are NOT accepting new members.   


  1. Marty Rempel Avatar
    Marty Rempel

    Excellent summary of our Club Literati. We have endured the test of time as we delve through our book selections and enjoy each other’s points of view each month. So unique when guys come together to discuss literature over sports and politics once each month.

Pencils at the ready…

Moot Points

Pencils at the ready . . .

Marty Rempel

Salient, succinct test instructions are basic to student success. This example from a social studies test should prove useful to any teacher.

Social Studies 10 "Open Notebook Quiz"–

The quiz that tests the depth of your knowledge by the quality of your notes.


Answer on foolscap using complete sentences because you want to try to avoid sentences fragments and the over use of phrases, but especially the use of run on sentences that seemly give the appearance of going on and on forever with no apparent end in sight and naturally are grammatically incorrect not to mention irritating to the reader, also remember that spellllling counts! while being mindful that the over use of clichés should be avoided like the plague. As for the use of rhetorical questions I would advise against their use. What do you think? Above all else get to the point because next to run on sentences there is nothing more distracting that a writer who rambles and beats around the bush, so to speak while avoiding the real issues at hand . . . so be direct and get immediately to the point without too much verbosity, semantics, alliteration, metaphors or other tricky word games. At times you may want to use repetition as it is the key to emphasis and I cannot say that enough. The use of vivid similes is like a waste of time because you are mot writing an English test. Metaphors are a pain, so avoid them as well. The repetitious, redundant use of readily reusable responses and riotess ridicule associated with alliteration is not appropriate in the standard social studies personal response answer. Finally, remember to use paragraphing. Proof read your work before I do because in that way you will find your own mistakes before I do. Remember your teacher is a trained professional and can sniff out any content or grammatical error. Budget your time so you do not run the danger of running out of this precious commodity we all take for granted. Good luck and begin your quiz quickly as you are almost out of time.

1. Define each of the following terms: Canadian Identity

Monday, March 24, 2025

MacNab School by Sea


MacNab School by Sea



MacNab School was one of many red brick school houses built during the pre-confederation era.  Often located on rural intersections these small schools formed the foundation of education in pioneer life as the formative part of Ontarios public education system.   Founded to, “ foster social, moral and economic progress through formal classroom instruction.” 


MacNab school, named after Sir Allan Napier MacNab soldier, lawyer, businessman was the first premier of the united Canadas, Canada East and West, from 1854-56.  In my childhood and in my limited realm of experience at the time I had no idea who MacNab actually was.  To my brother who actually attended MacNab school in grade 8, myself and my friends it was simply a Saturday biking destination if we didnt go to our secret Diving Board located at lock one of the Welland Ship Canal.  


The Diving Board” our other childhood destination was located across a bay from the entrance to lock 1 of the Welland Canal and MacNab school.  It was so called because we, or perhaps kids who played here and predated our own activities, had taken a stout plank of indiscernible dimensions and wedged it under the rock to make a very functional diving platform with no bounce whatsoever.  


The entrance to lock one consists of a landfill of huge boulders which creates an artificial and sheltered channel to funnel lake freighters from the open water to the canal lock system.  Our diving board was securely wedged under one of these boulders.  The Diving Board was our focal point.  It was a specific location and deserves proper noun status.


Before learning to swim I nearly drowned in this location as the water is quite deep here.  The entrance channel extends at least one km into the lake.  Before I knew how to swim my friends encouraged me to make my first dive off the board assuring me that the water was shallow and I could stand up.  Encouraged, I took a shallow dive and absolutely panicked when I made the rapid realization that this portion of the Lake was bottomless. The water was cold, I was scared and began hyperventilating as I thrashed wildly to save myself.  Someone eventually did save me. I had been initiated to the Diving Board.


The Diving Board became a second summer home.  A place where in our splendid isolation we could share jokes, smoke, theorize about the mysteries of girls, look at our stash of Playboy magazines and build a raft to cross the Great Water.”  We hoped to reach McNab school on the other side of what was really a bay formed by the lock one extension and the natural shore line.  We could easily bike there, but why would we when with greater personal risk and challenge we could go by water. 


We began this colossal construction endeavour by gathering up drift wood and logs along the shoreline using the Diving Board as the central depository. I think we had all read, or at least heard about the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn on the Mississippi River, still one of my favourite books.  Using vague but otherwise nebulous notions of nautical constructions and our vast knowledge of sea lore, along with our collective ignorance we proceeded, as a group, to build a raft that would transport us one day to MacNab, a place where we hoped we could experience new opportunities and religious freedom, where there would be a chicken in every basket, a car in every garage.  Our imaginations always got the best of us.


My personal childhood vision as an explorer was to claim all of the lands we surveyed for Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain in thanks for defeating the Moors and driving Islam out of Spain.  At the time I had a vague sense of history and reality.  What we really wanted to do was build something and get out on the water and have some adventures and maybe a quotient of raping, plundering and pillaging along the Lake Ontario coast line, where not even the OPP could stop us.  We were young, we were invincible.  We were stupid.


Construction began slowly at first, and eventually came to a complete stand still. The idea that many hands would make for light work was quite a bit of nonsense and really had no application to our project.  There were simply too many nautical engineers and too few labourers.  We all wanted to lead and direct.  Realizing the folly of our ways and reading up on recent labour legislation we soon devised a division of labour efficiently utilizing our means of production in such a way as to produce a raft that although did not reach or exceed any Canadian safety standards could float if proper counter balances were applied in the right places.  We had a raft!


The next step was the meticulous hours of planning that would go into garnering provisions and supplies for the journey.  This meant going home and gradually sneaking things out of kitchen cupboards sans detection.  My dad who bought the groceries had a pretty good mental inventory as to what provisions were in the house, so the risks of discovery were high.  The length we were willing to go to for discovery and adventure was irrepressible.  In the end we got a few cans of beans and some wieners, the staples to any nautical diet.


The day we decided to launch to reach MacNab school on the other side of the bay was somewhat blustery.  We thought a healthy headwind would add to a heighten sense of adventure.  There were four of us and if we stayed in position the raft was fairly stable.  Our make shift paddles were an innovative combination of hockey stick and plywood fused together with high alloy aluminum screws in a secret bonding process.  We were psyched and we were ready. 


We paddled like galley slaves only to find we were making no headway and noted a gradual tendency towards being carried out into the vastness of open Lake Ontario.  After only a few minutes I began to tire, we were paddling out of sync .  I was developing a blister. Morale was low, the taste of impending mutiny was almost palatable.  Like General Custer we were mainly bluster with no back up plan and no life jackets. I recalled with some degree of grimness the fact that I could not swim.  Collectively, we hoped for the ninth mechanized battalion, the army corp of engineers, or even an out dated Sea King helicopter to come to our immediate rescue, but, as fate would have it was none of these.  


My Dad had found us and was pulling up in his blue 1953 Ford, my mom scrambling out of the passenger door before my dad had come to a full stop.  Images of Bonnie and Clyde flew through my head. My parents, usually calm, began to wildly scream at us to make for shore. 

I dont think the full impact of our folly really had registered in our adolescent brains. I began to get scared.  My fear spread to the crew and we paddled like demons to shore landing some 100 m north of the Diving Board. In another half hour or so, had my parents not appeared, we would have been a speck out on the Lake and located right on the freight lanes entering Lock one. Need I say more.


My mother was clearly upset and I dont know if my dad was more relieved to get the beans and wieners back or that he had been instrumental in saving his sons from disaster and thereby preserving the blood line and his legacy.  In retrospect I think we at least merited a nomination for the Darwin Awards. 


Sadly, wnever reached MacNab School, although my brother attended there the next day arriving by yellow school bus.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Oh Canada

Oh Canada

I think I have spent way too much time on social media, a place where time and reality is warped.  I have transgressed and been guilty of the cardinal sin of trolling from which I get way to much pleasure.  Recently, I have been called a brainless libtard and a liberal woke, although I think that may be redundant.  After reading too many redneck MAGA entries I now feel that being labelled WOKE is a new badge of honour. I really haven’t got anything new to say.  I’ve gone through the 12 step program with my MAGA cohorts so far which includes: insults and anger, sarcasm and rebuke, witty banter and levity, factual analysis and data (the worst approach with MAGA by the way), I have tried agreeing with them with exaggeration  and distortion and then there is just mockery.  Nothing really seems to work.  I finally realized the 12 steps were really for my own redemption that I as a libtard had no chance in hell of converting anyone, the process was to rant and help myself by purging the republican, in Canada conservative toxins, in my body, mind and soul and making me a whole again.  In that sense it seems to work.  I now know deep in my soul that despite the fact we in Canada and definitely in the United states, we all face an existential threat to our very way of life, that evil has emerged from the depths and moves with impunity amongst us. The forces that are black and evil and spreading in the USA have fractured and damaged that country to the core.  However, those same forces when directed toward our country Canada has made us whole.  It has united us like never before.  It has in a few weeks since acquiring a new Prime Minister propelled us forward with many new and hopeful initiatives.  It breeds optimism, progress,and vitality it is a white light on a dark night.  Sadly, we have our share of nay sayers charging the sooth sayers and attack the virtue  and initiatives of our new direction.  I find this time in our history although a major crisis also a time of new found growth and unity.  For the States they are so divided they may never recover they are on a Christian patriotic decline while we are on a dedicated march forward.  America will defeat itself causing us to rebuild and re arm ourselves psychologically, technologically and economically as well.  That evil man to the South and his minions will die out, likely taking the country with it for generations, but because of his wrath, stupidity and blindness we will move forward, of that I am now convinced.

Oh Canada!

Monday, March 17, 2025

The American Way

The American Way

Along a stretch of Kentucky highway

The Women’s garden club of Richmond

Mounted a wreath and plaque honouring

American veterans, their virtues, bravery

Sacrifices to democracy, freedom and the

America Way.

“We thank you for your service to your country.”

Further south under a cold cement interstate

Overpass, New Orleans state Troopers were

Rudely herding veterans taking shelter for the night.

Mardi Gras crowds descending on the city

Were not to see the fallen veterans in their dirty worn

Clothes, their vacant dark faces,

vagrant warriors fallen from grace.

Its the American Way

“We thank you for your service to your country.”

On Bourbon Street now protected from car terrorists

Go the party people the drummers and the revellers

The beggars and the veterans seek the allies the sidewalks

And the intersections with their sad dogs, squeegees and cardboard

Signs, asking for deference, seeking some hope,

as the well intentioned businessmen, tourists

and party people walk

Taking a guilty glance, not giving a thought

Not giving a care

It’s the American Way.

“We thank you for your service to your country”