Thursday, January 30, 2025

Drag Queens and the Great Wall

 Drag Queens and the Great Wall

When a child the test pattern on channel four
was an “Indian.”
You could even say that word back then;
today on my streaming service the screen diverts
to a drag queen in a green dress,
then times out to artsie photos from space.
I think I see the Sahara Desert, the boot of Italy
not always so sure.
Later pictures appear of the Earth-scape at night
the Great Wall.
I wonder how many people died
building it over 2000 years.  
How does a civilization endure for so long?
Google tells me likely a half a million Chinese bodies
are inside that magnificent Wall.
The civilzation eventually crumbled, as the wall
failed, as walls do.

Today, the wall builders fumble and falter as they persecute
the drag queens in their green dresses and try to build
then bury us all in their fantastic wall.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025



There are twelve pillows on my King sized bed.
They reach to the centre of the bed when on full display
the borderline of the frontier,
the bane of of existence.
I took a picture of them with my Smart phone,
this way I would always “remember” the
preferred sequence
in which to arrange and display them.
My strategy so impressed my two son-in-laws 
and further prepared
them for married life to come.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Fossil fuels and alternatives

Ranting about Oil, Energy Alternatives, Alberta and a few Miscellaneous other things that Strike my Fancy


The fossil fuel lobby, oil companies and people who have a love affair with petroleum products will in every scenario defend the use and production of any form of oil. They perpetually argue that it does so much to help the world and the economy and there should never be a transition to any alternative energy supplies.  


I lived in oil rich Alberta and saw this attitude first hand, it was represented in every facet of politics and served to make a major rift between provincial and federal levels of government,  It would be foolish to categorically get rid of oil as it is the basis of much of the economy and will be likely until we take the last drop out of the Earth.  In that time I lived in Alberta, a little over two decades, I witnessed little diversification of the economy from the oil and agriculture models.  Even with the huge Heritage Fund little was done to encourage alternative energies or create a western Silicon Valley for example. Alberta and the Smith government today has gambled every thing on fossil fuels in an almost suicidal tunnel vision attempt to deny destiny. In the process they do constant battle with Ottawa and blame Trudeau for every setback even when it is of there own doing.  With the premiers recent trip to the Southern White House to see the Commander in Cheat, Smith has done her best to put Alberta oil and Alberta first over Canadian sovereignty.  


In a recent letter written by former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien in the Globe and Mail he entreats all premiers to stand strong against Trump and present a united front for the storm ahead. The next four years will likely bode very well for oil, and the Albertan economy, but it is a sell out to alternative energy, Canadian unity and if you value the environment that bit too.


People who are conservatives and by that I dont mean of the Conservative Party,  I refer to those who are of a conservative nature and are averse to change, may even fear it are the people who generally dont wish to deviate from an oil based society.  Ironically, had we started the Industrial Revolution with a green foundation, if you can even imagine that, it would be the conservatives who would be fighting for Green today. I believe they stand for the status quo no matter what it happens to be.  It just happens that conservatives are out of touch with relevant social change that serves to move society forward.  Status quo by definition does not move us forward nor do conservatives.


I would encourage those conservative minded people who can postulate, theorize, fantasize, and imagine that they should start doing so in greater numbers to help culture, the arts, the economy progress.  Perhaps, start with the logical transition to alternative energies and how that too can create jobs and work in tandem with fossil fuels.  When we rely too much on corporations and trust in their guidance we will be collectively misled, yet people it seems are more likely to place their trust in corporations over government, at least this would represent the conservative mind set, as they revel in having fewer restrictions, regard the environment with less respect and worship the bottom line with more reverence,



Ranting about Oil, Energy Alternatives, Alberta and a few Miscellaneous other things that Strike my Fancy


The fossil fuel lobby, oil companies and people who have a love affair with petroleum products will in every scenario defend the use and production of any form of oil. They perpetually argue that it does so much to help the world and the economy and there should never be a transition to any alternative energy supplies.  


I lived in oil rich Alberta and saw this attitude first hand, it was represented in every facet of politics and served to make a major rift between provincial and federal levels of government,  It would be foolish to categorically get rid of oil as it is the basis of much of the economy and will be likely until we take the last drop out of the Earth.  In that time I lived in Alberta, a little over two decades, I witnessed little diversification of the economy from the oil and agriculture models.  Even with the huge Heritage Fund little was done to encourage alternative energies or create a western Silicon Valley for example. Alberta and the Smith government today has gambled every thing on fossil fuels in an almost suicidal tunnel vision attempt to deny destiny. In the process they do constant battle with Ottawa and blame Trudeau for every setback even when it is of there own doing.  With the premiers recent trip to the Southern White House to see the Commander in Cheat, Smith has done her best to put Alberta oil and Alberta first over Canadian sovereignty.  


In a recent letter written by former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien in the Globe and Mail he entreats all premiers to stand strong against Trump and present a united front for the storm ahead. The next four years will likely bode very well for oil, and the Albertan economy, but it is a sell out to alternative energy, Canadian unity and if you value the environment that bit too.


People who are conservatives and by that I dont mean of the Conservative Party,  I refer to those who are of a conservative nature and are averse to change, may even fear it are the people who generally dont wish to deviate from an oil based society.  Ironically, had we started the Industrial Revolution with a green foundation, if you can even imagine that, it would be the conservatives who would be fighting for Green today. I believe they stand for the status quo no matter what it happens to be.  It just happens that conservatives are out of touch with relevant social change that serves to move society forward.  Status quo by definition does not move us forward nor do conservatives.


I would encourage those conservative minded people who can postulate, theorize, fantasize, and imagine that they should start doing so in greater numbers to help culture, the arts, the economy progress.  Perhaps, start with the logical transition to alternative energies and how that too can create jobs and work in tandem with fossil fuels.  When we rely too much on corporations and trust in their guidance we will be collectively misled, yet people it seems are more likely to place their trust in corporations over government, at least this would represent the conservative mind set, as they revel in having fewer restrictions, regard the environment with less respect and worship the bottom line with more reverence,



Friday, January 10, 2025

It’s a Matter of Trust

It’s a Matter of Trust

He said it was a rounding error,
one that took place in a chain of stores
across the nation, such that meats
and assorted items had the grocer’s thumb 
on the scale to benefit the bottom line,
trust me said Gavin
we sell the finest bread 
at the best price,
trust the rich to feed the poor,
elect the billionnaires
to rule the land, 
they know your needs best,
corporations are people after all,
trust and we will save you from